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The New Space Race | Power & Politics in 21st Century
Which nations are involved in the new space race? The USA, China and Russia are the clear front-runners, but the race is very different this time. More than 80 countries now have a presence in space. Some people might be surprised to learn that the United Arab Emirates has sent a probe to Mars, and that Israel has (crash) landed on the Moon.
What was the first animal in space? - Royal Museums Greenwich
On 31 January 1961, the first hominid was launched into space. A chimpanzee named Ham was part of the US-led Mercury space programme. A main part of the mission was to test whether tasks could be performed in space, the results of which were instrumental when launching the first American in space, Alan Shepard, on 5 May 1961.
Why did we stop going to the Moon? - Royal Museums Greenwich
It was a 12-day mission and broke many records, the longest space walk, the longest lunar landing and the largest lunar samples brought back to Earth. Harrison H. Schmitt was the lunar module pilot, as well as being a geologist. He was joined by Ronald E. Evans as command module pilot and Eugene Cernan as Mission Commander. Space Race timeline
Moon landing conspiracy theories, debunked - Royal Museums Greenwich
Buzz Aldrin saluting the proudly waving American flag on the Moon remains one of the iconic images of the Apollo 11 mission, a declaration of US supremacy over space race rivals the Soviet Union. But if there is no atmosphere on the Moon, there is no wind - so why is the flag waving?
Space exploration - Royal Museums Greenwich
Discover the history of the space race - and what the future holds for life outside Earth's orbit... Fifty years on from the Apollo 11 Moon landing, a new 'space race' is underway. Discover more about the biggest space missions in the history of humankind and the key missions scheduled the year ahead.
Space exploration - Royal Museums Greenwich
Tour the night sky LIVE Take a whistle-stop tour of the night sky with Royal Observatory astronomers in this live stream for National Astronomy Week
NASA's Artemis Moon Missions: all you need to know
Tying all these elements together is the Space Launch System, the launcher that will carry astronauts beyond Earth's atmosphere and into space. This super heavy-lift rocket is taller than the Statue of Liberty at 322ft, and is estimated to cost $800 million per launch.
15 awe-inspiring space and astronomy discoveries | Royal Observatory
1. Your hair collects space dust from comets . Every day, several tonnes of material falls to Earth from space. Some of it is witnessed on arrival, as a bright meteor may result in a meteorite – a fragment of rock and metal crashing into the ground. But a great deal of this cosmic material doesn’t make such a spectacular entrance to our planet.
Who was the first woman in space? - Royal Museums Greenwich
Mae Jemison applied to NASA’s space program in 1983 after being inspired by Sally Ride’s mission. She joined NASA in 1987 and was selected as one of 15 candidates chosen from over 2,000 applicants. On the Space Shuttle Endeavour, Jemison worked on bone cell research experiments. She left NASA in 1993 to pursue how social sciences interact ...
Who owns the Moon? - Royal Museums Greenwich
The Treaty was enacted during the Space Race by the USA, UK and Soviet Union on 27 January 1967, and has become the foundation for laws governing activities in space ever since. The document is just 17 short articles in length.