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Electromagnetic Spectrum - Introduction - Imagine the Universe!
The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is the range of all types of EM radiation. Radiation is energy that travels and spreads out as it goes – the visible light that comes from a lamp in your house and the radio waves that come from a radio station are two types of electromagnetic radiation.
Spectra and What They Can Tell Us - Imagine the Universe!
But the electromagnetic spectrum encompasses more than just optical light. It covers all energies of light, extending from low-energy radio waves, to microwaves, to infrared, to optical light, to ultraviolet, to very high-energy X-rays and gamma rays.
The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Imagine the Universe!
The electromagnetic spectrum can be expressed in terms of energy, wavelength or frequency. Each way of thinking about the EM spectrum is related to the others in a precise mathematical way. Scientists represent wavelength and frequency by the Greek letters lambda (λ) and nu (ν).
Wavelength, Frequency, and Energy - Imagine the Universe!
Regions of the Electromagnetic Spectrum Listed below are the approximate wavelength, frequency, and energy limits of the various regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Observatories Across the Electromagnetic Spectrum - Imagine the Universe!
Astronomers use a number of telescopes sensitive to different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum to study objects in space. Even though all light is fundamentally the same thing, the way that astronomers observe light depends on the portion of the spectrum they wish to study.
Discovering the Electromagnetic Spectrum - Imagine the Universe!
It took a bit longer for scientists to discover the higher-energy (shorter wavelength) light in the electromagnetic spectrum. Left: Portrait of Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen who is credited with discovering X-rays.
Electromagnetic Spectrum Quiz - Imagine the Universe!
The electromagnetic spectrum can be expressed in terms of energy, wavelength, or frequency. [A] True [B] False. Low energy photons are waves. High energy photons are particles. [A] True [B] False
Astronomer's Toolbox - Imagine the Universe!
Astronomers need to collect light from across the electromagnetic spectrum to completely understand a celestial object. Use the links below to explore how astronomers use the highest energies of light to learn about our Universe.
Imagine the Universe!
The full electromagnetic spectrum. (Credit: NASA's Imagine the Universe) The spectrum of the Sun appears as a continuous spectrum and is frequently represented as shown below.
Electromagnetic Spectrum Cool Fact - Imagine the Universe!
Electromagnetic Spectrum. The amount of energy a photon has makes it sometimes behave more like a wave and sometimes more like a particle. This is called the "wave-particle duality" of light. It is important to understand that we are not talking about a difference in what radiation IS, but only in how it behaves.