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88 Officially Recognized Constellations - NASA
Latin Name English Name or Description; Andromeda: Princess of Ethiopia: Antlia: Air pump: Apus: Bird of Paradise: Aquarius ...

What Is A Constellation? | Definition, Meaning, Names & Most Famous
Constellation is a Latin word meaning “set with stars”. Before the compass was invented, people used the stars to navigate, mainly when sailing across the ocean. They used a constellation called the Ursa Minor to identify the location of Polaris, also known as the North Star.

What are constellations? - NASA
For example, look at the image below of the stars which make up the constellation Orion. The stars in this easily-observed constellation are at VERY different distances from Earth! At different times of year, different constellations can be seen in the sky. Different constellations can also be seen depending on where you are on Earth.

Constellations | Facts, Information, History & Definition
Constellation Facts & Information A constellation is an area on the celestial sphere in which a group of visible stars forms a perceived outline or pattern. The way in which they are represented varies and can be anything from an animal to a mythological person or creature. Browse to find out more facts and information on Constellations.

Orion Constellation | Facts, Information, History & Definition
The constellation of Orion is among the oldest recognized constellations in the world. Among the earliest known depictions of Orion lies in a prehistoric Aurignacian mammoth ivory carving dated to be between 32,000 to 38,000 years old. Orion is the 26 th largest constellation in the sky, stretching for around 594 square degrees.

Leo Constellation | Facts, Information, Mythology, History & Definition
The constellation of Leo is the 12 th largest constellation in the sky. Leo spreads out for over 947 square degrees, being located in the second quadrant of the northern hemisphere (NQ2), where it can be seen at latitudes between +90 o and -65 o. Right Ascension: 11 h; Declination: +15 o; Visible: between +90 o and -65 o.

Crux Constellation | Facts, Information, History & Definition
The constellation of Crux is quite devoid of deep-sky objects, however, the Coalsack Nebula, and the Jewel Box open star cluster are worth observing. Coalsack Nebula The Coalsack Nebula, also known as the Southern Coalsack, or designated as Caldwell 99, is the most prominent dark nebula in the sky, being visible to the naked eye as a dark patch ...

Scorpius Constellation | Facts, Information, Mythology, History ...
The constellation of Scorpius is the 33 rd largest constellation in the sky. Scorpius spreads out for over 497 square degrees, it lies in the third quadrant of the southern hemisphere (NQ3) and can be seen at latitudes between +40 o and -90 o. Right Ascension: 16.8875 h; Declination: -30.7367 o; Visible: between +40 o and -90 o

Gemini Constellation | Facts, Information, Mythology, History & Definition
The zodiacal constellation of Gemini is the 30 th largest constellation in the sky. Gemini spreads out for over 514 square degrees. The constellation of Gemini is located in the northern hemisphere, lying in the second quadrant of the northern hemisphere (NQ2), being visible at latitudes between +90 o and -60 o. Right Ascension: 7 h ...

Phoenix Constellation | Facts, Information, History, Formation & Stars
The constellation of Plancius was first depicted on a globe in 1598 and later appeared in Johann Bayer’s atlas Uranometria, in 1603. The Phoenix constellation represents the mythical bird that could revive out of its own ashes. Location. The constellation of Phoenix is located in the southern celestial hemisphere.




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