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Overview | Cassini – NASA Solar System Exploration
Cassini revealed in great detail the true wonders of Saturn, a giant world ruled by raging storms and delicate harmonies of gravity. Cassini carried a passenger to the Saturn system, the European Huygens probe —the first human-made object to land on a world in the distant outer solar system.
Cassini - The Grand Finale – NASA Solar System Exploration
Cassini represented a staggering achievement of human and technical complexity, finding innovative ways to use the spacecraft and its instruments, and paving the way for future missions to explore our solar system.
Overview | The Grand Finale – NASA Solar System Exploration
In April 2017, NASA's Cassini spacecraft began writing the final, thrilling chapter of its remarkable 20-year-long story of exploration: its Grand Finale. Every week, Cassini dived through the approximately 1,200-mile-wide (2,000-kilometer-wide) gap between Saturn and its rings. No other spacecraft had ever explored this unique region.
About the Mission - NASA Solar System Exploration
Cassini was one of the most ambitious efforts ever mounted in planetary exploration. A joint endeavor of NASA, ESA (the European Space Agency), and the Italian space agency (ASI), Cassini was a sophisticated robotic spacecraft sent to study Saturn and its complex system of rings and moons in unprecedented detail.
Overview | Science – NASA Solar System Exploration
Cassini's observations of Saturn's largest moon, Titan, have given scientists a glimpse of what Earth might have been like before life evolved. They now believe Titan possesses many parallels to Earth, including lakes, rivers, channels, dunes, rain, clouds, mountains and possibly volcanoes.
Cassini Orbiter | Spacecraft – NASA Solar System Exploration
Cassini-Huygens was one of the most ambitious missions ever launched into space. Loaded with an array of powerful instruments and cameras, the spacecraft was capable of taking accurate measurements and detailed images in a variety of atmospheric conditions and light spectra.
Cassini Raw Images - NASA Solar System Exploration
This gallery contains the full record of the Cassini spacecraft’s raw images taken from Feb. 20, 2004 to Cassini’s end of mission on Sept. 15, 2017. The archive will remain available to all as a historical record.
Cassini - Images | Galleries – NASA Solar System Exploration
During NASA's Cassini mission's final distant encounter with Saturn's giant moon Titan, the spacecraft captured the enigmatic moon's north polar landscape of lakes and seas, which are filled with liquid methane and ethane.
Cassini - Quick Facts | Mission – NASA Solar System Exploration
The Cassini spacecraft has been gone for a year now, but the science continues. Here are 10 reasons why Cassini mattered...
Cassini - The Grand Finale – NASA Solar System Exploration
In Cassini’s Grand Finale orbits — the final orbits of its nearly 20-year mission — the spacecraft traveled in an elliptical path that sent it diving at tens of thousands of miles per hour through the 1,500-mile-wide (2,400-kilometer) space between the rings and the planet where no spacecraft had ventured before.