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Astrophysics - Wikipedia
Astrophysics is a science that employs the methods and principles of physics and chemistry in the study of astronomical objects and phenomena.

NASA Astrophysics - Science@NASA
The Astrophysics current missions include two of the Great Observatories originally planned in the 1980s and launched over the past 30 years. The current suite of operational missions includes the Hubble Space Telescope, the Chandra X-ray Observatory, and the James Webb Space Telescope.

What is Astrophysics? | Space
Astrophysics is a branch of space science that applies the laws of physics and chemistry to seek to understand the universe and our place in it. The field explores topics such as the...

Introduction to Astrophysics - Department of Astrophysical Sciences
The study of Astrophysics -- understanding the universe in which we live -- has been an exciting field of exploration for centuries. How big is the Universe? How did it start and what is its fate? What's out there in deep space? What are the stars and galaxies made of? What makes them shine?

Home | Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
The Center for Astrophysics is a collaboration between the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and Harvard College Observatory that’s designed to ask big questions about the universe, build the tools needed to answer them, and share the resulting discoveries with the world.

Astrophysics | Astronomy, Cosmic Objects, & Space | Britannica
astrophysics, branch of astronomy concerned primarily with the properties and structure of cosmic objects, including the universe as a whole. See astronomy. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica

Astrophysics | Physics - University of California, Berkeley
Most broadly, astrophysics is the physics of everything beyond the Earth. Its purview ranges from cosmology, the study of the origin and evolution of the Universe, to space physics, the study of rarefied plasma in the solar system.

What is astrophysics? | Space - EarthSky
Astrophysics is the science of physical processes in the cosmos. It uses data gathered by astronomers using telescopes on Earth and in space – combined with the laws and theories of physics ...

Physics of the Cosmos - NASA Science
The Physics of the Cosmos (PhysCOS) program incorporates cosmology, high-energy astrophysics, and fundamental physics projects aimed at addressing directly central questions about the nature of complex astrophysical phenomena such as black holes, neutron stars, dark energy, and gravitational waves.

Astrophysics - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Astrophysics is the study of how stars, planets, and other things in the Universe work, and how we can learn about them. Astrophysicists use physics and chemistry to explain what astronomers find and see.




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