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Apollo – Mythopedia
Apollo was a powerful Greek god and one of the Twelve Olympians. He served as the divine patron of prophecy, healing, art, and culture, as well as the embodiment of masculine beauty. Apollo belonged to the second generation of Olympians, along with his twin sister Artemis, goddess of the wild and hunting.

Apollo 13 - National Air and Space Museum
When Apollo 13 launched on April 11th, 1970 it was intended to be the third Apollo mission to land on the Moon. Unfortunately, an explosion in one of the oxygen tanks seriously damaged the spacecraft during flight and the crew were forced to fly by the Moon, using its gravity to send the spacecraft back to Earth without carrying out a lunar ...

Apollo 11: The Moon Landing | National Air and Space Museum
Telling the story of the the Apollo 11 lunar landing includes some of the unique pieces of memorabilia created to mark that human achievement. In addition to the pins, patches, buttons, medals, matchbooks, sweatshirts, and commemorative plates the Smithsonian holds in the national collection, there's this unique ladies handbag.

Apollo program - National Air and Space Museum
Many are familiar with Apollo 11, the mission that landed humans on the Moon for the first time. It was part of the larger Apollo program. There were several missions during the Apollo program from 1961 to 1972.

Apollo (Roman) – Mythopedia
Apollo and his lyre are the subject of this colorful fresco adorning a Roman house in Pompeii. Carole Raddato CC BY-SA 2.0. Apollo usually carried a lyre, his favorite musical instrument, and was often portrayed as a beardless youth. Described as “shining” and “the sun,” he was sometimes depicted with rays of light emanating from his body.

Homeric Hymns: 3. To Apollo (Full Text) - Mythopedia
But Phoebus Apollo met them: in the open sea he sprang upon their swift ship, like a dolphin in shape, and lay there, a great and awesome monster, and none of them gave heed so as to understand; but they sought to cast the dolphin overboard. But he kept shaking the black ship every way and make the timbers quiver.

Heat Shield, Fragment, Ablated, Apollo - National Air and Space Museum
The earliest test flights of Apollo command modules were designed in large part to test the performance of the heat shield. This heat shield section is from the aft (blunt end) shield from Apollo Command Module 011, which was flown on the unmanned AS 202 test mission, the second unmanned, suborbital test flight of a production Block I Apollo ...

Apollo Inflight Exerciser | National Air and Space Museum
Apollo 7 was the first time astronauts had enough room to exercise, and in preparation for the flight NASA experts sought an inflight exerciser that was small and lightweight. Enter the Exer-Genie Exerciser , an off-the-shelf device developed in 1961 by Exer-Genie, Inc. of Fullerton, California.

Pressure Suit, Apollo, A1-C | National Air and Space Museum
The A1-C spacesuit was a modification of the Gemini G3-C and G4-C spacesuits and was only used during training prior to final Apollo suit design selection. The A1-C consisted of five major assemblies, the main suit, helmet, boots, gloves and neck seal.

Hyacinthus – Mythopedia
But Hyacinthus was killed prematurely when Apollo accidentally struck him with a discus; in his grief, Apollo turned the blood that flowed from the boy’s body into the hyacinth flower. Though Hyacinthus is best known from the myth in which he was accidentally killed by Apollo, he probably existed as a local Laconian god or hero long before ...




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