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Ames Research Center - NASA
NASA’s Ames Research Center, one of ten NASA field centers, is located in the heart of California’s Silicon Valley. Since 1939, Ames has led NASA in conducting world-class research and development in aeronautics, exploration technology and science aligned with the center’s core capabilities.
About Ames - NASA
NASA’s Ames Research Center, is located in the heart of California’s Silicon Valley. Since 1939, Ames has led NASA in conducting world-class research and development in aeronautics, exploration technology and science aligned with the center’s core capabilities.
NASA’s Ames Research Center
Ames is the lead center for NASA’s first robotic lunar rover, VIPER (Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover), which will launch in 2024. The center continues to build on its 30-year expertise and leadership in air traffic management to advance aeronaut-ics research and technologies. NASA Research Park NASA Ames hosts the NASA ...
Historical Backgrounder NASA Ames Research Center
Building on its expertise in human factors and pilot workload research, Ames became NASA’s lead center in basic life sciences research, which included radiation biology, adaptability to microgravity, and exobiology.
NASA Ames Research Center - NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
What Does NASA Ames Do? Aeronautics Research. Transform Aviation through R&D. Deep Space Exploration Sys. Moon to Mars Exploration. Science. Understand the Sun, Earth, and Universe. Space Operations. Launch and Space Operations . Space Technology. Develop and transfer revolutionary technologies
Ames Research Center Archives - NASA
Ames is NASA’s second oldest center after Langley Research Center. As a multidisciplinary research center in continuous operation for over 80 years, Ames has conducted a wide range of basic and applied research, engineering, and operations to support the nation’s aeronautics and space endeavors.
Careers & Internships at NASA Ames
List of current openings on the website for Ames Research Center. Ames Contractor Council List of contract companies who hire people to work at Ames — -This not a government website.
Ames Space Biosciences - NASA
In the Space Biosciences Division at NASA’s Ames Research Center, we perform the biological research and technology development necessary to tackle these challenges and enable NASA’s long-term human exploration mission.
Ames Research Center History - NASA
Ames evolved as a unique place where state-of-the-art facilities and world-class talent melded to produce cutting-edge research in fields such as aerodynamics, thermodynamics, simulation, space and life sciences, and intelligent systems.
Ames Research Center Capabilities and Facilities - NASA
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